Sunday, January 24, 2010


currently listening to/watching: Chek news
current mood:anxious / procrastinating

What's up blog and all my numerious millions! (jokes)

I realize I haven't written to/on/in you in a while, so, here be's an update.

School started, and that sucks BALLLS, hard, barfs it out, and then drinks it again. Like, yeah it sucks. I'll go into why later. But before all THAT crappy bad news, one GOOD piece news is:


but, thats really the only good news. Badd news, oh lessee, my turntables crapped out during winter break, so i haven't uesd it for like.......4 weeks, I had a chapter 4 quest, and i got 9/41 ( 23%), so pretty much, i failed HORRIBLE
and i have the chapter 4 TEST this thursday.

*SIGH*, dude, when i mean hard, it was HARD HARD, like, "Being buttfudged by a meth-head in the bottom of a ditch"(stolen from "The Hang-over" HARD.

UGH yeah, i needa go studdy, and do lotsa random shit for the stupid school. You know what sucks, like..tests, i always get bad marks on them, cuz i dont understand them, but afterwards, i end up understanding it, but after that, there's no use, because they wont retest you on it again, and then the stupid university's take that mark..tahts fck'in LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME. *sigh*

post ya later

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Schoolio - Coolio!(+NEW YEARS RESOLUTION(s)!)

currently listening to:The Weekend -Michael Gray
current mood:Slightly Anxious

*interesting story about this song, got it from playing Tane , SEE HOW LONG IT TAKES YOU TO COMPLETE THE PUZZLE!*

So.......After 2 weeks of fun,presents,late nights, and good food, Schools starting tomorrow.
I dunno, usually by this time, I'd be dreading, absolutely DREADING, school, but strangely..I've already accepted it. Thats not saying I'm just gonna be like
"Alright..Schools starting *continue everything I was doing before break*"
This time its gonna be different , I kinda really, screwed up before break on like school.Why?
Well I dunno, grade 10, was so easy, that I worked at maybe 50% effort, and I got I thought..|
"Hey! Lets do the same thing again!"

Well...Little Did i know, 50% Grade 10 Effort = 15%  Grade 11 Effort..and my marks showed it
*shudders at the thought of last terms report cards*

So I's my new (school) years resolutions!:

  1. Actually DO the homework
  2. Do the homework on the day its given
  3. Don't procRASTINATE doing Homework
  4. Go to bed at 10PM ( and actually..not turn off the comp at 10, and watch tv till 11)
Well thats abouuut it. Hopefully I'll be able to follow through on these =)

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Currently listening to/watching: Criminal Minds on CBS
Current Mood: Famished intelectually ;)

So..I went to watch Avatar today..and
it was good, was  A-Freakin-MAZING!
and thats a pretty good review from me,considering that the only other movies that are on my
A-Freakin-MAZING! list are:

  1. Top Gun
  2. Transformers Series
  3. Rush Hour Series
  4. Unemployed
  5. AVATAR!
So, without further ado, here be-eth my review of "AVATAR"

Plot 5/5
As this IS a sci-fi movie, I'm kinda already biased, and the cool shiny computers and huge walking mech's and gunships totally didn't help ( the fact that I was already in love with this movie from the first 10 minutes).
The plot contained that everything that anyone could want, Love, Comedy, Explosions, Sadness, EXPLOSIONS.

"Wait.., did he say LOVE?"

Yes, I DID say LOVE, it was a really integral part of the movie, and while some people I've talked to have said
"Oh my god dude, avatar was a friggin waste of time..the love shit was totally gay"
Well, here's a thought bud..its not an ACTION movie, its an ADVENTURE movie, and MOST adventures involve Love!.

Action 4/5

Guns, Gunships, Walking Mechs holding Guns, HUGE Guns, Explosions, and Bows and arrows.....?


Now you may be wondering, if there's so much of all those amazing action thingies that i just LOVE, why am I giving it a 4 instead of a 5?
Well the only reason is , that the action WAS a little far in between, but oh man, when there was action, THERE WAS ACTION!

For the sake of not spoiling  for everyone, Im just say this
Explosions,Guns, and lots of Fun

Cast 4/5
The acting in this movie, is to the standard, that could be measured to that of the Titanic. Oh wait, that was by the same director too eh?
Anyways, the movie was split into , in my opinion, 70% CGI, and 30% Live Action, but in both cases, the cast showed through. While yes, in the CGI Parts, the acting would've mostly gone to the animators and Effects crew, it was GREAT acting, to the point where, through most of the movie, I'd almost forget that it was CGI and indeed real life, THATS how good(the acting) it was.

Yes, I know, my first impression, was.HMM..Funky blue people...this is prolly gonna be lame..but NOPE, the acting was so good it was able to get me past that :)
For the Live-Action parts, Good acting overall, and the military aspect was portrayed accurately.
And thats a good thing considering that one of my  BIGGEST pet peeves , is when someone fudges up the part of being millitary, being a retard and yelling stuff like "ATTENNNN HUUUUUUUH" or randomly running in to a scuicidal mission in the name of marytrdom. No, in this, it was great acting, and seemed as close to real as I've seen  in a movie.

THOUGH, LOL, I must mention this, there WAS one marine in the movie, I swear, the only lines he had in the movie were
Visual Effects: 5/5

Holy JESUS!, you know, I added in this section, JUST because of this movie. The CGI and effects crew in this movie, deserves a FREAKIN "

What does that mean?

Well that means, the CGI and EFFECTS in this movie was SO FREAKING amazing that almost MADE ME THINK IT WAS REAL!
and see thats the difference, most movies make you think its "ALMOST" real, looking good, but not good ENOUGH ,this movie, is the exception, it was THAT beleivable!. The sights in the game are those that are found in an amazing dream, they were SO good, that If i was someone who took E (which I'm not), after this movie, I'd probably quit it just because,the visuals in  an E- Trip would suck in comparison to this movie.

  So:  OVERALL: 18/20!

Summary: An A-freakin-MAZING movie with guns, love, and so much eye popping-visuals that'll blow the butter out of your pop corn!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Currently Listening to/watching: My name is Earl
Current Mood:Content

First post of 2010<---TEN!, that means we're in the new decade!
Holy jesus!

So anyways, sorry for the late post, but I was busy, DJ'ing a partay yesterday ( family friends dont worry, nothing retarded) and didn't get a chance to post anything :(

but anyways, I've noticed that alot of people ( Such as mah awesomefrand A.M. )have made their year end notes  already, and I know I should/will post one up. But maybe later, because Ima need a good 3-4 hours to think of everyone thats made my 09' awesome.

So for now!
HAPPY NEW YEARS, and my year end note is on its way...( even though its already 2010...)